Mostly built around my notes taken on Coursera courses.
I will upload detailed files soon. Should you have any urgent need, you are welcome to send a email for direct share.

Political Economics Notes

Moral Foundations of Politics by Yale on Cousera

New methods & New models

Systems Thinking In Public Health by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera

Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis by Stanford on Coursera

R Notes & Assignments

Financial Data Analytics with R, by Prof Kris BOUDT, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

1. Introduction to R & Statistics Review

2. Price Returns


4. Optimization

5. High frequency data analysis

6. Text Mining and Its Applications

7. Accounting for behavioral aspects in financial data analytics

Data Science Specialization by John Hopkins University on Coursera

The Data Scientist’s Toolbox

R Programming

Getting and Cleaning Data

Exploratory Data Analysis

Reproducible Research

Statistical Inference

Regression Models

Practical Machine Learning

Developing Data Products

Data Science Capstone